A downloadable blog

Hi there! I'm cattail-kobold, also known as Kobold Catgirl or Imi, and welcome to the landing page for my blog!

I'll mostly use this space to post random TTRPG ideas, TTRPG opinions, and PF2 homebrews that didn't quite merit a full publication.

We may also feature the odd skcb blogpost. I disavow everything she says except when she's right.

Thanks to Propagandelf for the cover art, to Gem Room Games for offering such a handy guide to this process, and to Amber, Ruby, Bramblefeather, and D.B. for posing for the banner!

Oh, and thanks for reading!

RSS: https://cattail-kobold.itch.io/cattail-fluff/devlog.rss

Development log

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